Une photo d'un cosplayeur habillé en Sauron du Seigneur des anneaux. Il tient une épée et un fléau d'arme.

Credit: Skedel Cosplay

Un cosplayeur en habit de Sauron du Mordor
Une troupe de Mandaloriens de la saga StarWars

The Etrange-Grande Festival will be held on September 16th and 17th, 2023 in Hettange-Grande, Lorraine, bringing together passionate cosplayers from all over France who love J.R.R. Tolkien’s universe. In this grand parade, hobbits, elves, dwarves, and other iconic characters from Middle-earth will come to life, offering a breathtaking spectacle to visitors. Each participant will compete with talent and creativity to recreate the costumes and unique atmosphere of Tolkien’s work. The streets of Hettange-Grande will vibrate to the rhythm of this fantastic celebration, immersing festival-goers in the imaginary world of this mythical universe.

Group "Imperial Alliance" - Photo by "Mesfl"

Cosplay enthusiasts, whether your passion lies with Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, The Witcher, Harry Potter, manga, or even zombie universes, join us for an exceptional parade through the streets! Showcase your creativity and talent by embodying your favorite character. Aim for excellence, because rewards totaling 300 euros await participants with the most impressive and original costumes. Come share your love for these universes and try your luck at winning honors during this unforgettable event.

Groupe « Alliance Impériale » - Photo par « Sophie Sopikodav »